Just finished a good trip for tuna fishing on the Dolphin 2. As catching goes it all depended on the school of fish we stoped on. Captian Greg would give us the play by play on what the fisn were doing on the sonar. Some fish would stay deep while others would just swim away. We were looking for the school that would stick with the boat and want to play. Our first stop was on a school that was only a pick for 2 hours a fish or two every 15 minutes all bluefin tuna. Then after that it was 1 or 2 tunas on each metered school. We had many lost fish due to pllled hooks and tangles. Dan even lost a troll fish due to somebody cutting his line with their line. By the end of the trip most everyone had a tuna and some with more then one. Dan and I got the triple on the tunas a bluefin, yellowfin and a albacore.
Sounds like a good trip.
That deckhand holding the tuna (forgot his name) is very good. He was working on the dominator when i went on that boat mid july.
That's Paul helping Fern our only lady angler on the trip.She caught 2 tunas.
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