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Thursday, December 30, 2010
End of 2010
Only one more day to the end of the year and one last chance to catch rockfisn in So. Cal waters until March. Dan and I worked out the 2011 charter schedual now its a matter of getting the boats for the dates we picked. As the boats and dates are confirmed they will be posted on the web site. One is already up and people are signing up. Hope to see you on a trip in 2011 and a have a Happy New Year.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Record Yellowfin Tuna
Just heard that Mike Livingston, who caught the record tuna is a regular customer at Johnny's Sport Shop in Pasadena. Bob Ota the owner of the tackle store has great info on long range fishing.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Potential World Record
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Westerly Lobster Report

We left Pierpoint Landing and started with 2 tanks of live squid and headed to San Clemente Isl. for our day of fishing and on our way we looked to catch some mackeral for lobster bait but as usual when you want to catch mackral they are hard to find. Once at the island we started bass fishing. A few nice ones were caught but the lack of currant made fishing tough. We ended with some rockfish and all the junk fish went to the lobster bait box. Around 6pm we started to drop the 10 traps. After the last trap was dropped we would back to the first trap and pull it up to see what was caught. Caught a lot of lobsters but they were all short. around 10pm the navy ordered us away from the island so it was decided to go to Catalina Isl. and put in a few hours of lobster fishing there.
Here we got 4 leagles and released many shorts. This was a fun trip too bad the fishing was tough but thats fishing. We had good food from cook Marcy and Captian John kept moving the boat to find us fish and lobsters.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Newport Bay
We fished Newport Bay on a dry and sunny Sunday fishing primerlyn for spotfin croakers. Well they were not to be found but we did catch many yellowfin croakers, spotted bay bass a halibut and some sandbass. Always suprises me that dan can catch the strangest fish as he pulled in a fish identified as a midshipman. Was a lot of fun for a few hours fishing.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Gail Force Report
We left LA Harbor sportfishing at 6am on the Gail Force with cold and wet weather on us but by the time we reached Catalina Isl. it was dry and sunny t-shirt weather. We started at White Landing with calico bass and bonitos. We went east but found little current so we started working west and found some current and more bass and bonito. With only live squid for bait the bass fishing was good but the bonito fishing was so-so. There were no yellowtails or seabass. We finished the day west of the Isthmus and headed home on a beautiful flat seas.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Whte Seabass
After our latest visit to Monterey Bay and seeing all the 50 and 60 lb. fish we are heading up the coast with the Skeeter and try our skill or luck at catching them. In the Bay they fish the seabass different then we do down here. You look for the squid areas then drift with light line 20lb. test with a 3/8oz. sliding sinker above a swivel and a 6ft. leader to a size 2 hook and a trap hook 6in. below that for the squid. Well try that and also our So. Cal. methods, B52 bucktail jigs and MM2 iron tipped with squid.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Santa Cruiz Cobras
Watching Barrett-Jackson auto auction from Las Vagas and remindes me of what we saw on the Santa Cruiz pier.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Another great trip on the New Huck Finn and the New Salmon Queen in Emeryville. We fished up on the Marin coast in the morning for rockfish. On the New salmon Queen we fished on the beach in 20ft of water and ended with 6 legal halibuts. In the late morning we moved to the Farllon Islands to get our limits of nice rockfish and a few lingcods. The weather was fogy but the ocean was nice.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Tuna Limits
Some baots are reporting limits on yellowfin tuna for their anglers. Come join us on a 1 1/2 day trip on the Indian fishing on Sept. 23rd. Super light load.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Report from Chris Randel, Indian
Chris called in to report on his last couple of days on the tuna grounds. Lots of fish being metered and hooked but the fleet had a lot of trouble with the privet boaters from the Make A Wish Tuna Tournment jumping onto the boats fish and fishing close enough to the boat to actually get into tangles with hooked fish. Chris was discusted with the last couple of days. But now the tournment is over fishing should pick right back up. The fish are getting a little bit bigger to 50lbs and more schools being metered. If you want to fish with a light load on the Indian come join us on leavinf on Sept. 22, fishing on the 23rd., and returning in the am on the 24th. a 1 1/2 day trip, $280.00. If we get 8 anglers we will go.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Link For Indian Trip
Sorry the web site is having a problem wright now but here is the LINK to the Indian trip.
Dolphin 2 Fishing report

Just finished a good trip for tuna fishing on the Dolphin 2. As catching goes it all depended on the school of fish we stoped on. Captian Greg would give us the play by play on what the fisn were doing on the sonar. Some fish would stay deep while others would just swim away. We were looking for the school that would stick with the boat and want to play. Our first stop was on a school that was only a pick for 2 hours a fish or two every 15 minutes all bluefin tuna. Then after that it was 1 or 2 tunas on each metered school. We had many lost fish due to pllled hooks and tangles. Dan even lost a troll fish due to somebody cutting his line with their line. By the end of the trip most everyone had a tuna and some with more then one. Dan and I got the triple on the tunas a bluefin, yellowfin and a albacore.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Tuna update
Good tuna fishing, even the overnight boats are getting a few tuna. Nice size on the yellowfin up to 45lbs. but you might need some light line to get a consistant bite. Bring some florocarbon line in 15, 20, 25, 30 and 40lb test to use as leader on your 25 to 40lb test main line.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Dolphin 2 trip is a GO
Our upcoming trip on the Dolphin 2 is a go with 9 anglers. Now is the best chance in getting some tuna in the last few weeks. Join us for this 1 1/2 day trip.
Friday, August 27, 2010
8.27.2010 Tuna report
Yellowfin tuna biting for San Diego boats. Looks like it's starting. Don't miss out. We have a 1 1/2 day trip on the Dolphin 2 out of Seaforth Landing leaving 9pm Tues. 9/17 fishing on 9/18 and returning on Wed. morning about 6am. $325.00 includes meals and permit. Follow the link to join us.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Westerly Offers a Yellowtail trip
Howdy ya'll,
This is Mike your Westerly galley cook and boat manager. I spoke to the skipper and we decided that we wanted to do something different. We have a limited load trip for some of our past passengers with a special deal.
This weekend Saturday August 14th at 9:00pm we're leaving for San Clemente Island and returning Sunday August 15th at about 6:00pm. Your cost is $160.00 and it is a limited load of 15 guests. This price includes fish cleaning and crew gratuity...... If you are interested let me know very quickly, 15 9 spots for this price will go fast. Tomorrow we will advertise this trip on 976-tuna for $190.00....
Hope to see you join us. Call me A.S.A.P.Thanks, Mike Kassel(310) 367-7278
This is Mike your Westerly galley cook and boat manager. I spoke to the skipper and we decided that we wanted to do something different. We have a limited load trip for some of our past passengers with a special deal.
This weekend Saturday August 14th at 9:00pm we're leaving for San Clemente Island and returning Sunday August 15th at about 6:00pm. Your cost is $160.00 and it is a limited load of 15 guests. This price includes fish cleaning and crew gratuity...... If you are interested let me know very quickly, 15 9 spots for this price will go fast. Tomorrow we will advertise this trip on 976-tuna for $190.00....
Hope to see you join us. Call me A.S.A.P.Thanks, Mike Kassel(310) 367-7278
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Sea Star Report

Had a great day of fishing on the Sea Star on Fri. Working our way south from Helgren's Landing we concentrated on the kelp beds for the calicos. The water was clear and warm 67. The fishing started with some short bass but as the day went along we got into keeper sizes. The hot setup was light line, 8lb to 12lb test and the Bomber Jerk Minnow on a Bomber 1/16oz Heavy Hook cast into the kelp stringers. Fly lined anchovies and sardines also worked well on the bass. Thanks to Captain Joe and his crew for a great day.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
A Few Changes to Charters
Just did some changes to a few of our charters. First we have a new date and price for the Indian 1 1/2 day trip. The new date and price is Sept. 21 to 24 at $280.00 and we lowered the price for the Eclipse trip from $325. to $280. for August 16 to 18 and we just had a few spots open for the Fisherman lll 3/4 day trip.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
If you are watching the counts for the albacore you might be a little disappointed but some of the counts don't account for the 1 1/2 day and longer trips who are doing great on albacore, yellowtail a few bluefin and the dorado are starting to show. On the longer trips the boats have more time to travel further and fish longer usually until dark so you have a better chance to catch fish. We have a couple of trips in August that have a great chance of catching fish. The first is a 1 1/2 day trip on the Indian $325 leaving on the 1st fishing on the 2nd and returning early morning on the 3rd. the second trip is on the Eclipse leaving the 16th. fishing on the 17th. and returning on the 18th. These two trips should be great trips so come and join us.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Charters for July
July will be the start of a great fishing season. We have 2 charters this month the first on the Aztecz 2 on 7/25 out of Ensanada, Baja. Should be yellowtail and bonito at the Island and if they are close enough tuna offshore. Then the Freelance on 7/28 out of Davey's Locker, Newport Beach. Sandbass, barracuda and maybe yellowtail will be the catch of that day.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Fireworks On The Westerly
This Sunday July 4th leaving at 4:00pm
from Pierpoint Landing located at
200 Aquarium Way
Long Beach, CA
Must have reservations: Call (310) 367-7278
Here’s the plan: Bring the kids, mom, aunts, uncles and friends. We leave at 4:00pm
and fish until about 7:30pm for bass, barracuda, sculpin and whatever else that may
be biting. Then we’ll anchor up in a great location to watch the fabulous Fireworks.
We will be serving Hot Dogs, Chips, Burgers, Sodas, Candy and most importantly
Beer (for the adults).
The cost is $20.00 for kids under 15 and $25.00 for adults.
Hot Dogs $3.00
Hamburgers $4.00
Cheese Burgers $5.00
Chips $1.00
Sodas $2.00
Beer Domestic $3.00
Beer Imports $4.00
Rent Rods are available if you let us know at the time of your reservation - $15.00
No Alcohol, Drugs or Food will be allowed on this trip.
To book a spot you must make your reservation by Saturday July 3rd before 6:00pm
Only 30 spots will be made available. Must have 25 to go.
The WESTERLY is a 58' Twin Engine Sport Fishing Boat. We
normally do charters but have decided to give something affordable
to the community... This is our first attempt at this and if it’s a
success we will have more out reach trips for the kids and their
parents. Please sign up early.
This Sunday July 4th leaving at 4:00pm
from Pierpoint Landing located at
200 Aquarium Way
Long Beach, CA
Must have reservations: Call (310) 367-7278
Here’s the plan: Bring the kids, mom, aunts, uncles and friends. We leave at 4:00pm
and fish until about 7:30pm for bass, barracuda, sculpin and whatever else that may
be biting. Then we’ll anchor up in a great location to watch the fabulous Fireworks.
We will be serving Hot Dogs, Chips, Burgers, Sodas, Candy and most importantly
Beer (for the adults).
The cost is $20.00 for kids under 15 and $25.00 for adults.
Hot Dogs $3.00
Hamburgers $4.00
Cheese Burgers $5.00
Chips $1.00
Sodas $2.00
Beer Domestic $3.00
Beer Imports $4.00
Rent Rods are available if you let us know at the time of your reservation - $15.00
No Alcohol, Drugs or Food will be allowed on this trip.
To book a spot you must make your reservation by Saturday July 3rd before 6:00pm
Only 30 spots will be made available. Must have 25 to go.
The WESTERLY is a 58' Twin Engine Sport Fishing Boat. We
normally do charters but have decided to give something affordable
to the community... This is our first attempt at this and if it’s a
success we will have more out reach trips for the kids and their
parents. Please sign up early.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Fishings Great
Looks like we turned the corner for our fishing. We have been having great fishing for barracuda, sandbass locally and how about white seabass fishing at Catalina boats returning with limits of seabass and down south in Mexican waters the tuna keep moving north, it won't be long before the overnight boats will be into great tuna fishing. We have 3 tuna charter trips lined up for the year and anglers are starting to sign up so don't wait too long to join us or you could be left behind. The first trip is on the Indian Aug. 1&2 with only a few spots left. Then we are on the Eclipse on Aug. 16 & 17 the Dolphin 2 Sept. 8&9
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Ready to go fishing
If you need to plan future fishing trips and looking for a great deal "food, fish cleaning and tip included" on a great boat check this out. I'll be on some of these trips.
The WESTERLY announces 5 Open Party Freelance Trips
The Westerly has opened up 5 Open Party Over Night Freelance Trips this summer. The following
dates are now available. Pick the dates that are best for you and make your reservations early.
A 58' Twin Engine Sportfishing Boat with 24 comfortable bunks, twin bait tanks, a full service galley
and a helpful and friendly crew. Rent Rods available $15.00
AUGUST 3rd - Leaving Tuesday Night at 9:00pm - Fishing Wednesday August 4th
AUGUST 27th - Leaving Friday Night at 9:00pm - Fishing Saturday August 28th
SEPTEMBER 5th - Leaving Sunday Night at 9:00pm - Fishing Monday September 6th
SEPTEMBER 17th - Leaving Friday Night at 9:00pm - Fishing Saturday September 18th
OCTOBER 2nd - Leaving Saturday Night at 9:00pm - Fishing Sunday October 3rd
All trips are $155.00 per person and includes Breakfast, Lunch, Fish Cleaning & Crew Tips.
All trips are limited load 18 guests only. Full payment must be received 2 weeks prior to trip. No
spots are held without full payment. In the event of walk ons No checks will be accepted on the
day of the trip CASH ONLY. No refunds if cancellation is 3 weeks or sooner to your scheduled trip
date. No alcoholic beverages are allowed to be brought on board. The Westerly will have for sale
a full supply of beer, soda, water, gatorade, candy and chips.
For Information and trip availability call: Mike @ (310) 367-7278
Make Checks Payable to: Jon Ackley
Send to : 1742 Speyer Lane, Redondo Beach CA 90278
The WESTERLY announces 5 Open Party Freelance Trips
The Westerly has opened up 5 Open Party Over Night Freelance Trips this summer. The following
dates are now available. Pick the dates that are best for you and make your reservations early.
A 58' Twin Engine Sportfishing Boat with 24 comfortable bunks, twin bait tanks, a full service galley
and a helpful and friendly crew. Rent Rods available $15.00
AUGUST 3rd - Leaving Tuesday Night at 9:00pm - Fishing Wednesday August 4th
AUGUST 27th - Leaving Friday Night at 9:00pm - Fishing Saturday August 28th
SEPTEMBER 5th - Leaving Sunday Night at 9:00pm - Fishing Monday September 6th
SEPTEMBER 17th - Leaving Friday Night at 9:00pm - Fishing Saturday September 18th
OCTOBER 2nd - Leaving Saturday Night at 9:00pm - Fishing Sunday October 3rd
All trips are $155.00 per person and includes Breakfast, Lunch, Fish Cleaning & Crew Tips.
All trips are limited load 18 guests only. Full payment must be received 2 weeks prior to trip. No
spots are held without full payment. In the event of walk ons No checks will be accepted on the
day of the trip CASH ONLY. No refunds if cancellation is 3 weeks or sooner to your scheduled trip
date. No alcoholic beverages are allowed to be brought on board. The Westerly will have for sale
a full supply of beer, soda, water, gatorade, candy and chips.
For Information and trip availability call: Mike @ (310) 367-7278
Make Checks Payable to: Jon Ackley
Send to : 1742 Speyer Lane, Redondo Beach CA 90278
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Anyone interested in going on a twilight trip? Dan and I belong to a fishing club call Eastside Rod and Reel and on Sat. night June 19 they are hosting a twilight fishing trip on the Matt Walsh out of LA Harbor Sportfishing leaving at 6pm. Dans going to the East Cape so I'm going on this twilight trip. Will be fun, lite load and some barracuda and sandbass. If you are you are intrested acll me for the info. cost $45.00 return around midnight. 562-221-1278
Friday, June 11, 2010
Oceanside 95 Yellowtail
We had good yellowtail fishing at the Coronado Isls. on our first annual Dan Hernandez Youth Foundation, Richard Helgren Memoral, fund raiser trip. Most of the yellows were caught on fly lined sardines and a few were caught on the surface iron fishing at the Rockpile. We thank the 10 anglers who each donated $500.00 to the Foundation to be on this trip. With this money we can plan on introducing more kids to the experience of fishing the ocean and lakes. Congratulations to Marvin Ezaki who's 22lb. yellowtail made him the first name to go on the Richard Helgren Memorial Trophy. Also many thanks to Joe Helgren and Captain Tim and the crew of the O-95 for making this first annul trip a great one.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Ranger 85 fishing report

Just came back from our Ranger 85 Charter. We had some wind but the swells were small. We had great fishing at Santa Rosa Isl. reds, chuckleheads and lingcods. Had to do alot of drifts over small stones and ridges but we were able to get our limits of rockfish. We needed a pound or more of sinker to hold the bottom. The hot set up was a 1/2oz all white B-52 bucktail with a 4 inch white AA twin tail and a strip of squid on a two hook ganion. If you want to get in on this hot fishing with us we still have two more trips out of Oxnard, on the Mirage fishing on Thur. June 10 and on the Pacific Dawn fishing on Fri. June 25. This is a good time to fill your freezer with nice fish. Call me if you would like to join Dan for some fishing.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Channel Isl Fishing

Went fishing on the Apollo to San Migel and Santa Rosa Isl. on sunday. Got limits of rockfish, reds and chuckles and a legal ling. We fished in 300 ft. of water for the reds and 90 ft. for the lings. The hot color for the jigs was white, I used the white 1/2oz bucktail jig on my ganion with a strip of squid to get my fish and used a 4 1/2oz glow MM2 jig for the ling. If you want to get in on this great action we have a trip on the Ranger 85 on May 28 $155.00 we may even get into the white sea bass.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
White Seabass
A white seabass was caught at the Channel Isl. on the Mirage so this might be the time for the exotics to start to bite. We have two charters coming up at Oxnard area. The first is on the Pacific Dawn on May 23 then we have a makeup trip on the Ranger 85 on May 28. Spots are still available on both trips but should fill fast so don't wait to long. Check out these charters.
Friday, April 30, 2010
What's With the Wind.
Windy conditions has made us postphone our Ranger 85 trip until May 28. By this time we should be into a summer like weather phase no more storms from the north. Now is the time to sign-up for some seabass and calico fishing.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Yellowtail Trip
Here is your chance to sign-up for our Electra trip out of Oceanside on April 23. Might have a chance at the yellowtails seen at San Clemente Isl. and should have great calico bass fishing. Come see us and sign-up for this trip at the Day At The Docks on Sun. April 18 and get a jig kit of Magic Metals and B-52's.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Dan's rods on sale
Just saw in WON that SAV-ON TACKLE in Santa Fe Springs is having a sale on Dan's Signature Rods $49.95 thats $40.00 off. Dan's favorite rods are model # DHS2107 10lb to 15lb., DHC6707 30lb to 60lb. and DHC8707 20lb. to 50lb. For a spinning rod #DHS8707 20lb. to 50lb.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Fishing Report on the Outrider
Just finished our first charter of the year on the Outrider. With a week of poor weather behind us we were still into a period of questionable fishing. With no live squid and no reports of fish at Catalina and San Clemente Islands we decided to try Santa Barbra Isl. By morning we woke up to some wind and choppy sea conditions. The day went moving from spot to spot Looking for Calicos and seabass but most of the fish were sheepheads, whitefish, red rockfish and a few short lingcods. The sun was out and as the day went on the wind and swells came down but the calicos and seabass wouldn't bite so everyone came home with a mixed bag of fish and had a great time on the Outrider with crew John, Jeff and Manny.
PS: The Freedom was going to San Nicolas Isl. but ended up at San Clemente Isl. They had good rockfish fishing but more important they saw big schools of yellowtails cruising around but not yet biting so it won't be long before do. So join us on our next trip on the Electra out of Helgrens Sportfishing, Oceanside departing April 22 and fishing the 23rd at San Clemente Isl.
PS: The Freedom was going to San Nicolas Isl. but ended up at San Clemente Isl. They had good rockfish fishing but more important they saw big schools of yellowtails cruising around but not yet biting so it won't be long before do. So join us on our next trip on the Electra out of Helgrens Sportfishing, Oceanside departing April 22 and fishing the 23rd at San Clemente Isl.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Salmon Opener
After a 3 year closer on the ocean salmon season for California will open on April 3, 2010. The close of the season will be determined be the Pacific Fisheries Management Council and the DFG. This could be in months or a few weeks of the opener date. We will once again be able to fish for them. Fore us in Southern California waters any salmon caught will probably be an incidental catch. They must be 20" minimum length and a limit of 2 per day. Good Luck
Friday, March 5, 2010
See Us At The Ferd Hall Show
Having a great time seeing everyone at the Fred Hall Show. Come by our booth and lets talk about the great Charters we have for 2010 and our Big Fish Contest. We also have BLOWOUT prices on T's for $4.00 and TURNER'S has our Jigs at below our cost.
Friday, February 5, 2010
2010 Charters
Our new charter scheduel for 2010 is on the web site so now is the time to plan your fishing trips with us. Besides the goodie bags and free raffel for fishing tackle that we have on these trips we will also have a contest for biggest fish of the species of fish that are caught on our charters. At the end of the year the biggest fish of each species will win a prize and these winners will go into a drawing for a grand prize. And all this is included in the cost of the trip. Look later for more on this contest.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Years
Give me a fish, I eat for a day. Teach me to fish, I eat for a lifetime. - Robert Louis Stevenson
See you in 2010
See you in 2010
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