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Thursday, January 27, 2011

SST, Chlorophyl Charts

SST, Chlorophyl, and other sea conditions

Very useful when tracking the movements of offshore pelagic species.

NOAA Coast Watch Sea Surface Temperatures. Accurate and updated several times daily. Use the customize feature to zoom in on your area.

Southern California Bouy Temps Quick and easy temps. Just doesn't show where the breaks are.

SCCOOS SST, Chlorophyl and other usefull information.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Ranger 85 November 2010

Fishing San Nicolas Island in beautiful weather on the Ranger 85 we caught Nice rockfish, lingcods and even had a shot at some yellowtails.

Winter B-52 Rig

January and Febuary we are fishing for sandbass and sculpin. A great rig to use here is a dropper-loop rig with the the bait leader longer then the sinker leader and a 1/2 oz. B-52 tied on to the bait leader.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Another Record Tuna

The Tsukiji Fish Market in Tokyo, Japan sells a bluefin tuna for $396,000 a new record for the sale of a blufin tuna. The tuna weighed in at 754 lbs. and sold for $526.00 per pound. Now that makes me appreciate the bluefin we catch during the spring and summer seasons, makes those high price offshore trips seem less expensive. I love to tuna fish anyway.