As many of you know I was fortunate enough this past weekend to catch a very nice Golden Trout. I have attached some photos. Ed Zieralski of the San Diego Union Tribune also wrote about it in today’s paper. Here is the link to the story. http://www3.signonsandiego.com/stories/2009/jul/28/after-trout-angler-may-need-bigger-wall/?sports/outdoors&zIndex=139336. Besides this great story by Ed, the local papers have contacted me as well. I also spoke with the department of Fish and Game yesterday. While typing this I got a phone call from Western Outdoor News. This is quite exciting.
There are five primary species of trout that I am able to find around my neck of the woods. I have already caught a nice Brown, Rainbow, Cutthroat and Brook. The one missing was the Golden. The odds of catching one that would match the others on my wall were very slim. They are usually 8 to 10 inches and if you catch one bigger than 12 it is a good day. I had heard of a lake that might have a few bigger ones and I set off on the mission. I fished the lake a few times without success. On Saturday I was able to catch the fish of my life. It is currently being mounted by Davidson Taxidermy here in town. In a few months it will complete the living room wall.
It was a bitter sweet day on Saturday. I was very happy to catch such an amazing fish, however the aspects of the chase being over and taking the fish from the lake were not easy to deal with. I was sitting there with the fish on my lap taking in everything about what was around me, remembering all the attempts up that mountain and realizing this was a great personal moment for me. It is just very interesting how confused I feel with the entire situation. As the smoke clears and the fish ends up on the wall, what will really matter to me is being able to sit down in my living room and relive the moment over and over, and to have this fish remind me of what I am passionate about and why I live where I live. It symbolizes the beauty of the sierras and will offer so much for me personally for the rest of my life. Now it is time to find another goal to pursue. I have some other things in mind. As I am sure you can tell, this was not just a story about a big fish, there was so much more to the story. The fish will just remind me.
There are five primary species of trout that I am able to find around my neck of the woods. I have already caught a nice Brown, Rainbow, Cutthroat and Brook. The one missing was the Golden. The odds of catching one that would match the others on my wall were very slim. They are usually 8 to 10 inches and if you catch one bigger than 12 it is a good day. I had heard of a lake that might have a few bigger ones and I set off on the mission. I fished the lake a few times without success. On Saturday I was able to catch the fish of my life. It is currently being mounted by Davidson Taxidermy here in town. In a few months it will complete the living room wall.
It was a bitter sweet day on Saturday. I was very happy to catch such an amazing fish, however the aspects of the chase being over and taking the fish from the lake were not easy to deal with. I was sitting there with the fish on my lap taking in everything about what was around me, remembering all the attempts up that mountain and realizing this was a great personal moment for me. It is just very interesting how confused I feel with the entire situation. As the smoke clears and the fish ends up on the wall, what will really matter to me is being able to sit down in my living room and relive the moment over and over, and to have this fish remind me of what I am passionate about and why I live where I live. It symbolizes the beauty of the sierras and will offer so much for me personally for the rest of my life. Now it is time to find another goal to pursue. I have some other things in mind. As I am sure you can tell, this was not just a story about a big fish, there was so much more to the story. The fish will just remind me.